Septic Tank Pumping & Cleaning

Proper maintenance of your septic system is essential to keeping it working efficiently and making it last. The average household septic system should be cleaned and inspected at least every 3-5 years. If your system has an effluent filter, they should be cleaned yearly. If your system does not have an effluent filter, we can add one. Outlet effluent filters are very helpful in keeping solids out of your drain field. Alternative systems with pumps, float switches or other mechanical components should be inspected once a year. Not performing the normal and proper maintenance will create problems such as slow drains, sewer backup, system damage, drain field failure, foul odor and environmental contamination. Contact Above All Septic & Drain to schedule your service.

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We are answering some of your most common questions below.
For more information on any of your septic & drain problems, don’t hesitate to contact us!

The cost of a septic tank cleaning varies based on factors like tank size, location, and local service rates. On average, pricing could start at a few hundred dollars and vary greatly depending on size and condition. Regular maintenance is a wise investment to avoid more costly issues in the long run.

The frequency of septic tank pumping depends on factors such as household size, water usage, and tank capacity. As a general guideline, septic tanks should be pumped every 3 to 5 years. However, individual circumstances may require more frequent or less frequent pumpings.

After a septic tank is pumped, it's important to avoid overwhelming the system. Be mindful of water usage for the next few days and refrain from disposing of excessive amounts of solids. Additionally, consider scheduling regular inspections to catch any potential issues early on, and maintain a record of pump-outs for future reference.